How Do You Cure TMJ? | Aliso Smiles

How Do You Cure TMJ?


The temporomandibular joint connects the jawbone to the skull and plays a significant role in everyday life— including chewing, talking, laughing, smiling, yawning, and more. When doing these simple things becomes painful, you may be dealing with TMJ disorder. 

Although it can be very disruptive to one’s quality of life, the good news is that it is treatable. There are several different treatment options available to offer you the relief you need. 

Let’s take a closer look at how to cure TMJ. 

What is TMJ Disorder? 

TMJ disorder refers to the pain and dysfunctions that are associated with the sliding hinge joint, muscles, and ligaments found on either side of the head— all parts of the temporomandibular joint. 

There can be many reasons why someone may encounter this condition. For instance, TMJ can be genetic, or it could be due to bruxism, such as grinding the teeth or clenching the jaw. It can also be the result of arthritis or trauma to the jaw joint. 

Getting to the root cause with the help of available treatment options is the best cure. 

Signs of TMJ

There are many different signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder. Below are a few of the most common symptoms experienced by those who have encountered them: 

  • Headaches
  • Pain or discomfort that affects the jaw, ears, neck, and face
  • Locking or clicking of the joint
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Sore ears
  • Popping or clicking when moving the jaw

Unfortunately, these symptoms can lead to bigger issues over time as they impact one’s quality of life. So, treating TMJ is very important. 

What is the Cure for TMJ?

There are treatments available for TMJ disorders. For some, very mild TMJ pain can dissipate easily with at-home treatment. Eating soft foods, resting the jaw, and applying ice packs can help. However, to cure TMJ, you are going to need to take a bigger step. 

Stabilization Splints

Stabilization splints are custom-designed to fit over your upper or lower teeth, providing you with a cushion between them. It allows the jaw joint to relax without giving you the ability to clench or grind your teeth. 

Stabilization splints can be worn at any time, but they are most commonly worn at night while sleeping. 

BOTOX Injections

BOTOX injections have proven themselves to be a very effective treatment option for TMJ disorder. It works to ease muscle function and relieve the pain associated with it. In turn, your dentist will be able to better determine and treat the underlying cause. 

Jaw Joint Replacement

Depending on the severity of the TMJ disorders, jaw joint replacement may be necessary. This is an oral surgery that will be used as a last resort. 

Address Your TMJ Issues with Aliso Smiles

Don’t let the pain from TMJ issues keep you down. Instead, let Aliso Smiles help you find relief. We offer many different solutions that can help to ease the discomfort and restore normal jaw function, including stabilization splints, BOTOX injections, and more. 

Contact us today at 949-916-7800. Or, request an appointment online.